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Apartment complex «Family Town»

Astana city

Apartment complex «Family Town»
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  • Apartment complex «Family Town»

Residentail complex "Family Town" Orynbor 1 is located on Orynbor st; north of residential area Prigorodniy

Block Modular water heating boiler house “Victoria”, type BMK2 -1350G is based on two boilers "Viessmann" made in Germany with capacity 1350kW each. Boilers used with liquid gas burners «Riello", Italy. Smoke stacks made by “KSM” LLP are 377 in diameter and 23 meters high with the cover layer of polished aluminium. Smoke stack supporting structure made by «KSM» is 17 meters high.

The main parameters of the boiler house:

Total heat capacitykw2 700
Main fuel Liquid gas  
Temperature control ° С 95/70
Size m 9x6x3
The number of modules unit 3
Automation total  

Used equipment in the boiler house

BoilersTwo water heating boiler Vitoplex 100 PV1B “Viessmann”, Made in Germany Q = 1350 kW
Burner RS 130 “Riello”, Italy
Pump equipment “Wilo”, Germany
Chemical water treatment “ATLAS-Filtri”, Italy
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